Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reflective Fieldnote Entry #5

Literature Circle Entry

What are your overall impressions of implementation?

Literature Circles is another wonderful tool that can be used to teach language learners. I am working with first graders that are beginner intermediates, so I was a little apprehensive of trying Literature Circles. Nevertheless, the implementation went well. I had to modify it to fit my situation. I had to be more than facilitator because of the age group, but the students were receptive and excited.

How did students react to the literature?

I was pleasantly surprised with the students’ reactions to reading from a library book as opposed to reading from the different texts I normally use with them. The book we used was The Berenstain Bears’ New Pup. The children were quite engaged and at times quite anxious to move on to the next page to see how the story proceeded. Several of the children have pets, so the story was connected to real life for them. I couldn’t help but smile at how much they were enjoying the book.

How did students react to discussing the selected texts?

Because this story was so real to them they had many things to share. The children in this group are not afraid to express themselves even if they struggle some to communicate. Normally discussions in reading are between myself and a student, but in this setting the children did not hesitate to ask each other questions and talk about their experiences.

How appropriate is the Literature Circle Technique for second language learners?

I think the Literature Circle Technique is quite useful for second language learners and an excellent way to incorporate speaking, writing, reading, and listening into a unified set of lessons. It provides an excellent way to use cooperative learning in the classroom where students can support each other for exploring and understanding literature and language.

What changes would you make if you were to repeat this?

If I were to repeat this with first graders I would like to make each activity a learning center.

What suggestions do you have for other ESL professionals considering implementing literature circles?

Finding books that will naturally engage your students provides for a more successful literature circle. Also, it will take time to prepare the students for what you want them to do.

Personal Reflection

I hope I can put into practice many of the things that I have learned from the classes that I have taken. The coursework has not only strengthen my ability to do the job, but also helped me to better understand the plight that some ESL’s face and to be sensitive to the needs of these special students. The research that I have done has also exposed me to many valuable resources I will be able to use in the future. Among those resources is the Wiki that we designed. I have been able to recommend my Wiki to several teachers who have used it and I will continue using it with my students as well.

At this point I am still working on finishing my coursework before I begin the processes for obtaining a license. That will come next semester.

I have worked with ESL students from the first moment I stepped into a classroom in Miami, Florida in 1990. Because I was an ESL student once, I have always been sympathetic towards the challenges faced by language learners. In my experiences I have found that children of families that have immigrated to America are eager to learn and grateful for what they are getting. It has been a tremendous pleasure and extremely fulfilling to work with ESL students. Through the years there have been times when I worked only with ESL students even though I was not certified. It has been this kind of contact that finally pushed me to do something about getting a license so that I could work with ESL students full time.

There are several things I would advise others wanting to pursue an add-on and hope to work with second language learners. First of all make sure you understand that working with people of other cultures takes patience and understanding. You are inviting them into your world while they are still a part of another. Also, familiarity with the culture of those you are teaching gives insight to where those students are. Finally, and I’m being real philosophical here, I would recommend signing up for classes on the first day they were open for registration because they fill up in a flash.

MTSU Honor Statement:
This assignment/assessment was solely written by me. In no way have I plagiarized (represented the work of another as my own) or otherwise violated the copyright laws and academic conventions of fair use. I know that violations of this policy may result in my being dismissed from Middle Tennessee State University and/or appropriate legal action being taken against me. Signed (submitting this statement to Teaching Faculty with student's name typed below constitutes signing):

Gema Sieh
December 1, 2010

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